Quality Promise
AKZENT Hotels are a cut above the rest with their unparalleled level of individuality, as individual style and a commitment to regionalism are characteristic of all AKZENT Hotels. Familial warmth, hospitality, and professional service are just as important as well-equipped and comfortable hotel rooms. A quality feature of the AKZENT Hotels is the star classification according to DEHOGA (German Hotel and Restaurant Association) standards. All AKZENT Hotels meet the 3-star DEHOGA classification standard at the very least.
Put your trust in the AKZENT HotelsIn addition to our quality promise, the AKZENT Hotels guarantee that you will always receive the cheapest price through direct booking. Simply book the desired room online at www.akzent.de or via the individual hotel website telephone. This way, you can be sure you’re not paying too much! PROMISE! |
Your opinion is important to us!
![]() All AKZENT Hotels actively use the “iiQ-Check” as an independent evaluation tool. This tool allows you, as a potential guest, to see at a glance what other guests think about the hotel, which in turn enables you to get an authentic picture of your desired destination.
Help us in guaranteeing our high quality standards! How does it work? Simple: a few days after your departure, you will receive an email from AKZENT Hotels that contains a link to an “iiQ-Check” survey. We kindly ask that you take a few minutes to complete the survey. In this way, you directly contribute to a successful quality assurance and help other guests with their travel choices. The AKZENT Hotels thank you in advance for your active support! |
Sales of Quality and Approval
Furthermore, many of our AKZENT Hotels have been distinguished with well-known quality and approval seals, such as the ADFC (General German Bicycle Association) “Bed + Bike” seal for especially bike-friendly hotels and the “ServiceQ” certification from the German Tourist Association.
You can see what seals and awards a particular AKZENT Hotel has on the respective hotel page. |